Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Motivational Speakers in India , Leadership Speaker Singapore - Hitesh Ramchandani

If you are looking for motivational speakers in India or Singapore, then do not miss to include Hitesh in your wish list. One of the most inspiring motivational speaker in India he uses his personal skill and advanced techniques to engage the audience so that they can create a positive lasting change in their life. His style of delivery is absolutely unique.

Hitesh is constantly engaged by the corporate houses to train, inspire and empower their people. Being a motivational speaker he gets to the root of employees' negative attitudes and helps them gain a fresh perspective on their roles and responsibilities, thereby restoring confidence and passion. Till date, he has delivered keynotes at Microsoft, TATA Steel, Prudential, Great Eastern, Buhler, and Deutsche Bank. 

Author of the best-selling book “Better Than Normal” Hitesh comes from very humble beginnings. Born with Cerebral Palsy he is consistently voted as the best inspirational speaker in every event he speaks at. His speech can help startups to cope up with unseen events affecting the morale of the team. A leadership speaker in India Hitesh has been in the industry for many years now. He regularly conducts workshops on Communication, Presentation skills, Customer service excellence, Team Building, Attitude, and Motivation, Selling Skills, Conflict Management, Stress Management, Assertiveness, and other soft and behavioral skills. In short, he conducts workshops in the corporate world at various levels.

Today Hitesh is not just conducting sessions in different cities of India but also abroad. He has made his name as a reputed motivation speaker Singapore. He adds a lot of value and brings real-life experience in his talks to make session lively and engaging. He is honest, entertaining, amusing and leaves his audiences amped up and ready to get to work.

Insurance Speaker Singapore  |  Self Leadership Speaker in India