Friday, June 28, 2019

Top motivational speaker in India , Singapore - Hitesh Ramchandani

 Top motivational speaker in India - Hitesh Ramchandani

 Over the years the need for motivational speakers is being felt by organizations across various verticals. Their assistance can be useful for motivating members of your organization. Be it a corporate house, an NGO or an educational institution, all require professionals who could bring a new life in the members of their organization. In a country like India, there is a great need and demand for a motivational speaker. A developing economy it needs to keep its workforce on the right track to achieve the desired rate of success. Hitesh who is one of the most inspiring motivational speakers can be the ultimate choice for inspirational discourses, seminars, public appearances, and other related promotional and social efforts.

Author of the best-selling book “Better Than Normal” Hitesh is a leading motivational keynote speaker in India. He is one of the few speakers who has delivered keynotes in over a number of Global Summits & Conferences.  Till date, he has delivered keynotes at Microsoft, TATA Steel, Prudential, Great Eastern, Buhler, and Deutsche Bank. Also a virtual presenter; he is equally impactful in his online-sessions as in live-sessions. Hitesh through his motivational speech has helped numerous companies to overcome their shortcomings and help them to progress in the right path. He has the ability to transform every individual life in a most peaceful and beautiful way.

Hitesh comes from a modest background. Born with Cerebral Palsy he never let this disorder to overcome his confidence and abilities. Though renowned for his writing and speaking, Hitesh is an equally effective marketing and leadership skills. One of the famous  motivational speaker in India , Hitesh through his speech tries to spread of ideas of positivity and possibility. He has spoken on various topics such as – Stress Management in daily life, Ethics in Profession, Attitude, Happiness, Work-Life balance, and more. His sessions are engaging, lucid, well researched and delivered with quality content.

Today Hitesh is not just conducting sessions in India but also abroad. A reputed diversity and inclusion speaker , he has made his name in Singapore also. His speeches are humourous and make session lively and engaging. He is honest, entertaining, amusing and leaves his audiences amped up and ready to get to work. 


                         Motivation Speaker Singapore  |  Diversity & Inclusion Speaker Singapore