Monday, September 16, 2019

Motivational speaker in India | Motivational speaker Singapore - Hitesh Ramchandani

HITESH RAMCHANDANI - Motivational Speaker in India, Singapore

Sometimes companies face unseen circumstances where incentive programs seem to stop working. If neglected for long then the stagnant situation can pose a great threat to the companies. At this stage employees start feeling neglected and work without any focus. It is in these circumstances that there arises a need for hiring a motivational speaker. A motivational speaker could be very effective in boosting the morale of employees at this stage. Finding motivational speaker in India is not a problem but then one must hire the one with experience in the field.

A good motivational speaker like Hitesh before delivering any speech undertakes the brief study of the company and its clients. He has his techniques to analyze the root cause of demotivation and negative factors that may be affecting the work of the company. A keynote speaker in India Hitesh with his unique and fresh approach can empower and motivate an organization to excel. Till date, he has delivered motivational speeches in Microsoft, TATA Steel, Prudential, Great Eastern, Buhler, and Deutsche Bank on various subjects.

Hitesh is an epitome of excellence in himself. Himself affected by Cerebral Palsy since birth, he never let this disorder to overcome his confidence and abilities. He has authored the best-selling book “Better Than Normal” and has touched the lives of millions of people across the globe. Hitesh also delivers motivational speeches across the globe. He is also a renowned motivational speaker Singapore. As a corporate motivational speaker, he is more business savvy and knows the ins and outs of the big business industry. He knows how to beat the stress and hassles of the demanding career.

Today Hitesh is not just in demand in India but also in Singapore. As a leadership speaker Singapore and India, he shares his knowledge through speeches and presentations. He inspires businesspersons to work harder yet smarter. He encourages individuals to change their lives positively. People who listen to Hitesh are motivated in the right direction. Till date, Hitesh has helped many companies to cope against losses and has helped employees to overcome depression and anxiety.

Friday, July 12, 2019


Keynote Speaker in India, Inspirational Speaker in India, Singapore

Working in a team can be a difficult and frustrating as everyone has a different viewpoint and creativity level. Ego clashes, attitude and lack of coordination can spell disaster to any company. If your company also experiencing the same then its high time to hire a moral booster who can motivate and encourage your employees in a positive way. There is no dearth of Keynote Speakers in India however you have to find one who has expertise knowledge in various aspects of human behavior to infuses new energy within the organisation. 

If you are looking to motivate, inspire, educate, your team then Hitesh is here to help you in a most creative way. He can design his speech around your needs and focus on the points that you need your employees to hear. From being a Paralympic Medal winner to being the author of the book “Better Than Normal”, Hitesh can motivate listeners into realizing their potentials.

Hitesh being an experienced inspirational speaker in India can help in the development of positive work attitudes. Full of energy he speaks from real-life experiences. He shows slide and tell inspirational stories to encourage the listeners/audience. Beeming with confidence he has a charisma and is highly recommended for events such as personal fulfillment, leadership seminars, and business seminars.

Hitesh is not just conducting sessions in India but also abroad. He has shaped his image as a leading sales speaker Singapore. He is successful due to his apt understanding of different cultures of the world. In Singapore also he is able to convey the most important message to the group which is to work as one towards success. He is one of the few speakers who has delivered keynotes across various countries.  Till date, he has delivered keynotes at Microsoft, TATA Steel, Prudential, Great Eastern, Buhler, and Deutsche Bank. 

Through his motivational quotes and examples, he acts as a perfect leadership speaker Singapore and India. He is hired to awaken teams and employees performing poorly at the company. His role is to teach and inspire them new methods of negotiating, self-motivating, ideas, and techniques. Improving their communication skills and letting them engage in more team building practices/exercises. Schedule a session of Hitesh to experience a positive change in the attitude of your employee.

Diversity and Inclusion Speaker Singapore | Diversity and Inclusion Speaker in India

Friday, June 28, 2019

Top motivational speaker in India , Singapore - Hitesh Ramchandani

 Top motivational speaker in India - Hitesh Ramchandani

 Over the years the need for motivational speakers is being felt by organizations across various verticals. Their assistance can be useful for motivating members of your organization. Be it a corporate house, an NGO or an educational institution, all require professionals who could bring a new life in the members of their organization. In a country like India, there is a great need and demand for a motivational speaker. A developing economy it needs to keep its workforce on the right track to achieve the desired rate of success. Hitesh who is one of the most inspiring motivational speakers can be the ultimate choice for inspirational discourses, seminars, public appearances, and other related promotional and social efforts.

Author of the best-selling book “Better Than Normal” Hitesh is a leading motivational keynote speaker in India. He is one of the few speakers who has delivered keynotes in over a number of Global Summits & Conferences.  Till date, he has delivered keynotes at Microsoft, TATA Steel, Prudential, Great Eastern, Buhler, and Deutsche Bank. Also a virtual presenter; he is equally impactful in his online-sessions as in live-sessions. Hitesh through his motivational speech has helped numerous companies to overcome their shortcomings and help them to progress in the right path. He has the ability to transform every individual life in a most peaceful and beautiful way.

Hitesh comes from a modest background. Born with Cerebral Palsy he never let this disorder to overcome his confidence and abilities. Though renowned for his writing and speaking, Hitesh is an equally effective marketing and leadership skills. One of the famous  motivational speaker in India , Hitesh through his speech tries to spread of ideas of positivity and possibility. He has spoken on various topics such as – Stress Management in daily life, Ethics in Profession, Attitude, Happiness, Work-Life balance, and more. His sessions are engaging, lucid, well researched and delivered with quality content.

Today Hitesh is not just conducting sessions in India but also abroad. A reputed diversity and inclusion speaker , he has made his name in Singapore also. His speeches are humourous and make session lively and engaging. He is honest, entertaining, amusing and leaves his audiences amped up and ready to get to work. 


                         Motivation Speaker Singapore  |  Diversity & Inclusion Speaker Singapore

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Motivational Speakers in India , Leadership Speaker Singapore - Hitesh Ramchandani

If you are looking for motivational speakers in India or Singapore, then do not miss to include Hitesh in your wish list. One of the most inspiring motivational speaker in India he uses his personal skill and advanced techniques to engage the audience so that they can create a positive lasting change in their life. His style of delivery is absolutely unique.

Hitesh is constantly engaged by the corporate houses to train, inspire and empower their people. Being a motivational speaker he gets to the root of employees' negative attitudes and helps them gain a fresh perspective on their roles and responsibilities, thereby restoring confidence and passion. Till date, he has delivered keynotes at Microsoft, TATA Steel, Prudential, Great Eastern, Buhler, and Deutsche Bank. 

Author of the best-selling book “Better Than Normal” Hitesh comes from very humble beginnings. Born with Cerebral Palsy he is consistently voted as the best inspirational speaker in every event he speaks at. His speech can help startups to cope up with unseen events affecting the morale of the team. A leadership speaker in India Hitesh has been in the industry for many years now. He regularly conducts workshops on Communication, Presentation skills, Customer service excellence, Team Building, Attitude, and Motivation, Selling Skills, Conflict Management, Stress Management, Assertiveness, and other soft and behavioral skills. In short, he conducts workshops in the corporate world at various levels.

Today Hitesh is not just conducting sessions in different cities of India but also abroad. He has made his name as a reputed motivation speaker Singapore. He adds a lot of value and brings real-life experience in his talks to make session lively and engaging. He is honest, entertaining, amusing and leaves his audiences amped up and ready to get to work.

Insurance Speaker Singapore  |  Self Leadership Speaker in India

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Price War VS Sales Battle By Hitesh Ramchandani

Top Motivational Speaker  Hitesh Ramchandani Spoke about Price War VS Sales Battle
Read Below & Know more about Hitesh.

Sales and pricing are both aimed at increasing revenue. They are so closely intertwined that
people often don't realize the difference between the two. While sales is about achieving the
revenue targets, pricing on other hand aims to maximize current profits. It requires the
business acumen to maintain a delicate balance between them as any change in pricing can
affect bottom-line sales of the commodity.

Anyone who has been in business for long enough understands the delicate relation between
pricing and sales. In a dynamic marketing scenario, fierce competition to increase sales and
profit is a common feature. Here competitors often cut prices in an attempt to increase their
share of the market. But then there is a limit for price cutting. Calculating the return on
investment is a main feature of sales which cannot be compromised.

What Can Trigger a Price War?

A business can use various pricing strategies when selling a product or service. When any
product or services is launched it does have a fixed price. Buyers accept anything that they
perceive as "fair" or "reasonable". Small skirmishes between the competitors begin when one

chooses Product bundling strategy where the company promotes a major product with several
ancillary products. However, a full-blown war ensues when one party initiates a price cut. Such
a price cut invariably triggers a chain reaction in the industry, with competitors usually trying to
outdo each other in cutting prices, leading to a decline in the overall profits of every player in
the industry. Another motive of price cut is to drive out competitors from a market.
However, the strategy price slashing has its own pros and cons. While on one hand the product
available at relatively low cost can be perceived as a better alternative for buyers, it can also
send wrong signals to sensitive buyers. They may doubt the quality of the product or services
available at relatively low prices compared to their counterparts. Companies engaged in price
wars are well aware of the side effects. In order to mitigate these effects, they procure
materials or finished products at a deep discount compared with its rivals.
How to Combat Sales Battle?

Sales get affected most in the price war. When your competitors choose price cut strategy, then
you have two options. Either to follow him and cut your price further to stand in the market or
go for combat selling. Best is to choose the latter which is very suited for a highly competitive
and combative nature of today's global markets.

Successful salespeople know how to meet with the price cuts. In a crowded marketplace
slashing prices to beat competitors can hurt your credibility, brand image, and margin. Best is to
create value for your product or services that outweigh a lower price. Another way is to ensure
time-bound delivery of the product or services to the customers. Always remember a
company’s ability to deliver a product or service in a time bound manner, can make or break a

customer relationship. Offering discounts is another good option to increase sales. Attractive
discounts will quickly draw the attention of the people and drive more traffic to your store.
Improving customer service and experience can be another good way to withstand in the sales
battle. Pre- and post-sale interactions can help in achieving better customer retention. Further,
it can lower operating costs.  Such practices, if maintained for extended periods, could
eventually deliver desired result in long run.

                     Motivational Speaker in India | Motivational Speaker Singapore

Monday, March 18, 2019

Diversity And Inclusion Speaker - HITESH RAMCHANDANI

3 Diversity And Inclusion Trends We Can Expect In 2019

Diversity And Inclusion Speaker - HITESH RAMCHANDANI

Workplace diversity and inclusion has never been more important than now. 2018 was a landmark
year for diversity and inclusion at the workplace. Looking at the current trend within we can expect
trends in 2019. Before going any further first let's why diversity matters for businesses. According to
various researches and studies startups with diverse teams are better at innovation and problem-
solving. Which is why hiring practices now aim at increasing diversity at the workplace.

Today companies cannot ignore this important aspect of management. Lack of diversity and inclusive
culture can adversely impact on both customer and staff retention. And so most of the companies
across the globe welcome and support the value of diverse leadership for organizational performance
and success. It’s becoming increasingly clear that having a diverse team creates a better company. In
2019, hopefully, organizations will complete the circle by removing pay equity & discrimination,
building an inclusive environment and by using multiple practices and measures. Let's discuss them

No Pay Equity & Discrimination: “Equal pay for equal work” is a common rallying cry.  But despite
that, the salary gap between men and women is reported from every part of the globe. According
to a study in Poland, women earn 91 cents to every dollar a man earns. In Israel and the United
States, it’s 81 cents. While in South Korea, it’s just 65 cents. Prejudice attitudes have acted as barriers
preventing women from achieving equality in the workplace. However, increasing awareness and
women’s financial independence are helping them overcome the barrier. In 2019 we can expect to
find a reflection of the change in the position of woman.  The role of business leaders, social
commentators and the media is crucial to narrow down the gender gap.  Drastic measures like
evaluating the performance, level of education, experience etc needs to be taken into consideration
while determining increment and promotions. Hopefully, the measures will help in attracting and
retaining employees thus adding diversity to the organization.

Improved Company Culture:  Fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is always recommended. No
one wants to get left and judged wrongly. Feeling lonely and left behind is the worst feeling in the
professional arena. It is a nightmare for a new employee in the organization. However, the culture of
an inclusive environment within the organization not only helps in removing doubts and suspicions
but also lays the base of a solid relationship between the workforce of the organization.  In 2019,
companies will focus to build this inclusive diversity

within themselves. It will help them to create a livable work culture and add more adhesion to the
work. They can remain connected to each other irrespective of their varied cultures, personalities,
and diversities.

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence: With changing business scenario use of inclusive AI workforce
cannot be overstated. In 2019 we can expect companies embracing AI for recruitment and other
purposes. Use of chatbots will become common for various purposes.  Companies will use chatbots
for the hiring process as it will help in speeding up the recruitment processes. Further, these chatbots
will also help in overcoming biases related to age, gender, race, and other factors. Use of chatbots to
interact with the prospective employee will completely transform the employment landscape. On
the work front, it can schedule meetings and provide customer support.  As Smart chatbots rely on
artificial intelligence they can be utilized for improving communication with users and also for
streamlining the shopping process. These automated assistants will remain available 24/7 and cater
perfectly to address the queries of users. Easy to use chatbots are more engaging and provide better
ROI if used effectively.

Adopting new approaches can help in the creation of a world where everyone has equal rights, equal
pay, equal access to education, and equal opportunities to succeed. More and more companies are
expected to include diversity and go beyond profit to make an impact on society.

                  Leadership Speaker Singapore  | Motivational Speaker in India

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

3 Secret Sales Habits Of Billionaires That They Don't Want You To Know

3 Secret Sales Habits Of Billionaires That They Don't Want You To Know

Know  More How to Become a Successful Business


                                       BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER IN INDIA

There is a popular story in Arabian Nights; “Ali Baba and forty thieves”. In the story, the main character,
Ali Baba comes across a cave with the rocky gate which can be opened by uttering the code word,
"Open Sesame". The cave within is full of jewels, diamonds, and other valuables. The cave is under
the possession of forty thieves. Ali Baba exploits the wealth by the use of the code word to enter the
cave and taking out the precious and jewels and other valuables for becoming rich. Sadly, in real life,
there are no such caves to become rich overnight. However, there are certainly a few secret sales
habits of billionaires which if you follow can open a chest of opportunities for you, thus bringing a
lot of sales and revenue!

They're Smart Planners:  “Proper planning prevents poor performance” holds true in many situations.
Smart billionaires take time to study the trends, concepts, and financial news each day. This helps
them to plan everything in advance. They formulate a daily plan, monthly plan and annual plan in order
to accomplish the business goals. In the corporate world, Clients don't want hard sells or pitches--they
want the solution.  A successful businessman knows what the consumer wants and how to dish it up.
Apt planning helps them to inspire customers to think differently in a new way. It also helps them to
answer any query put forwarded by the client.

They are good in networking: Smart billionaires have distinct personality characteristics which set
them apart from others. They believe in building and expanding their network base. As marketing is
all about working with people and delivering to people, so they stress on building and improving their
networking skills through the exchange of information with others. Staying connected with all sorts of
people helps in taking the company to new heights. It helps them to increase visibility with the outer
world and contributes significantly in areas of their expertise. These smart people invest in their
relationships to get dividends throughout their life. Networking helps them to keep a pulse on the
market and provides a channel to meet partners and clients.

They are Smart Investors: There is no formula for becoming a billionaire. However, there are some
secret ways through which one can attain the tag. One of the most first ways to become a billionaire
is to start a good investment. You would be surprised to know that Warren Buffett started investing
when he was just 11! Investing in the Stock Markets, Real Estate, Mutual Funds, Bonds, at an early
stage can give you rich dividends over the years. Investing in ideas that are interesting and attractive
can also be another great option. Mark Zuckerberg invested in his idea and launched Facebook from
his Harvard dormitory room. Just an idea to stay connected with friends and peers revolutionized the
world of social media in a big way.

You will be amazed to know that billionaires are fantastic mediators. Few minutes of their daily routine
in meditation and exercise not only keeps one fit and fine all through the day but also helps in
exercising a great deal of self-control. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey wakes up at 5 a.m. each day to meditate.
Richard Branson of Virgin Group favors regular physical activity which can boost mood and prevent
lifestyle diseases. Whatever be your schedule by exercising and meditation you can remain fresh and
agile all through the day. Through regular exercise and meditation, one learns about the art of Self
Control which is necessary when you have to meet potential challenges in a volatile market situation.
Through it, one is able to think quickly and adapt to any curve balls their prospective clients throw at

Willingness to take the risk, setting the goal in advance, staying away from time-wasters, effective time
management are other main habits that one must include in day to day life to reach the epitome of

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

3 Reasons why Millennials can't find their perfect job - HITESH RAMCHANDANI

3 Reasons why Millennials can't find their perfect job -

Managers often talk about hiring Millennials as they bring new energy to the organization.  
Hiring millennials (a person reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century) has other
advantages too. This generation of young people are optimistic than the general population
and believe in achieving their goals on time. Coming from racially and ethnically diverse group,
they have their own set of ideals and beliefs, which are often based on rationality. They are no
prototypes and innovative in their approach. This generation is not afraid of rejection. In the
United States, millennials will become the largest living generation sometime soon. They will
be an important engine of the economy in the coming decade.

Millennials despite being well-educated, skilled and ready to enter employment,  remain out
of a job due to reasons beyond their control. Further, all those who find jobs often remain
dissatisfied at work and end up losing a clear trajectory toward a bright and promising future.
Today millennials face a completely irregular and unique set of challenges in our modern
economy and culture. There are three main reasons due to which they are not able to find
perfect job suiting their interests.

Crowded Labor Market
Despite having educational attainments millennials face difficult challenges finding jobs. Compared
to Baby Boomers in the 1970s, they had a more difficult time entering the labor force. The crowded
labor market is surely one of the reasons for this scenario. In both developed and developing
countries like United States and India, labor market is overcrowded and employment opportunities
are limited. Furthermore many jobs had either been automated or outsourced to countries where
workers did the same work for one-tenth the wages. This has lead to the creation of complex
situations for millennials who despite possessing necessary skill find it tirelessly hard to find a job
suiting their profile and interest.

Elevated Expectations
Millennials due to their to their individualistic nature are often referred to as Generation Me.  
They could also be called the generation with unrealistic expectations. Millennials are more
perfectionist than the past two generations and are not afraid to ask for more. In fact, they
feel that not asking means not trying. This is often perceived by those around them as demanding
and spoiled. Materialism has risen substantially among millennials and they consider themselves
entitled to many great things without working for them. Research work of Psychologists Jean
Twenge of San Diego State University and Tim Kasser of Knox College points out at the high level
of materialism among the high school seniors, even as the commitment to hard work declined.

Mismatch of Skills
Finally, millennials are facing a complex situation because of “skill mismatch” in the labor market.
Actually, millennials represent an ever-growing part of the workforce, which affects the balance
between supply and demand for different skills. Mobile, tech-savvy, and flexible, millennials often
take up work almost new to their qualification. For example, engineers taking up job of marketing
professionals or even bankers. Arts student taking up HR and supervisory role in the organization.
Lacking in a specific skill, though they make enough to survive but not to grow. This leads to a circle
of anxiety and job insecurity affecting their morale in long run.

The Right Solution
One of the best strategies for freshers looking for a suitable job opportunity is to write and post
articles related to your field on LinkedIn. Properly and well research articles have the potential to
open new gateways of opportunities. Sharing article on LinkedIn about your expertise will not only
brighten your prospects but also will help in establishing you in the professional network. Its
#millenialinabox advice column helps young professionals achieve a level of personal, business
and financial fulfillment beyond their expectations. With the ever-changing business scenario
prospects seems bright for the millennial having a degree and relevant work experience in their
field of study.

                          Keynote Speaker in India  | Inspirational Speaker in India

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